Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

IDENTIFICATION DATA (Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce)

  • Corporate Name: SERINMOSE, S.L., hereinafter referred to as “THE COMPANY.”
  • CIF: B70235262
  • Address: CAMIÑO DA VEIGUIÑA, Nº 15
  • Email:
  • Phone: +34 620515652


THE COMPANY provides access to a variety of information and services belonging to THE COMPANY, which assumes responsibility for the use of the website. This responsibility extends to the registration processes necessary to access certain services or content. Users are responsible for providing truthful and lawful information during registration. Users agree to make appropriate use of the content and services offered by THE COMPANY on its website.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to remove any comments or contributions that violate human dignity, are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, threaten youth or childhood, public order or security, or that, in its opinion, are inappropriate for publication. THE COMPANY, as the administrator of the website, will act diligently upon becoming aware of actions that violate these Terms of Use or its Privacy Policy.


The user must comply with this Legal Notice, as well as the warnings and instructions for use contained on the website.

Specifically, the user is obligated to:

  • Not disseminate, introduce, or alter any content on the website that contains offensive, defamatory, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, racist, ideological, religious, personal content, or content that incites violence or is immoral or against public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy, or the image of others.
  • Not introduce, store, or disseminate on or from the website any information or material that infringes intellectual property, industrial property, or the secrets of THE COMPANY or third parties.
  • Not introduce any computer programs, viruses, unlawful data, code, or any element that may cause damage or pose risks to the website, THE COMPANY, or any user of the website, suppliers, clients, or third parties.
  • Not use the website to post any type of unauthorized advertising or commercial exploitation. Similarly, users may not use the content of the website for any advertising or commercial purposes.
  • Not use false identities or impersonate others on the website or for any service provided by THE COMPANY through its website.
  • Not destroy, alter, use for personal purposes, disable, or damage the data, information, programs, or documents of THE COMPANY, its suppliers, or third parties.

In cases where the user may post comments or opinions on the website, they shall be responsible for the content and opinions expressed. THE COMPANY is exempt from any responsibility for such content.


Linked websites are not controlled by THE COMPANY, and THE COMPANY is not responsible for the content of any linked site, or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. THE COMPANY provides these links only for your convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by THE COMPANY.


Why do we process personal data?

At, personal data is processed for the following purposes:

  • Quote Request: Responding to information requests regarding the products and services offered, as well as answering any other inquiries submitted by users.
  • Contact: Responding to inquiries about services offered through the various means provided and answering any other user questions.

How long do we process personal data?

At, personal data is processed for the following periods:

  • Quote Request: Data will be retained until the user exercises their right to deletion.
  • Blog Comments: Data will be retained until the user exercises their right to deletion.
  • Contact: Data will be retained until the user exercises their right to deletion.

What legitimizes the processing of data?

By accessing our website and completing forms or sending data through the indicated contact methods, you accept this Privacy Policy. Therefore, we rely on user consent to process their data for responding to inquiries or sending commercial quotes.

Additionally, personal information will only be used under this Privacy Policy, and consent will be requested for any uses different from those initially authorized.

Who do we share personal data with?

Personal data collected will not be shared with third parties or made public unless consent is given, participation is voluntary, or legal obligations expressly require it to fulfill the purpose for which the user consented.

What rights can you exercise?

The data subject may exercise their data protection rights (access, rectification, objection, deletion, automated decisions, restriction, portability) by emailing or by mail to Calle Vicente Beltrán Grimal 23 puerta 1, Valencia, C.P. 46023. Documentation proving the applicant’s identity (copy of the front of their ID or equivalent) must be provided. The maximum response time will be 30 days from receipt, extendable by up to 2 months if necessary.

You may also seek protection from the Spanish Data Protection Agency through their website.


THE COMPANY, as the owner or assignee, owns all intellectual and industrial property rights to its website and its elements (e.g., images, sound, audio, video, software, text; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of used materials, computer programs necessary for its operation, access, and use, etc.). All rights reserved. Pursuant to Articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, approving the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution, and public communication, including the method of making available, of all or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without THE COMPANY’s authorization, is expressly prohibited. Users agree to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of THE COMPANY.


THE COMPANY will be liable for damages the user may suffer as a result of using the website when such damages are directly attributable to improper actions by THE COMPANY. However, it is the user’s responsibility to adopt all reasonable technical measures to control risks when browsing the internet and prevent harm to their equipment, data loss, or theft of confidential information.

THE COMPANY is not responsible for damages caused by interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, malfunctions, or disconnections in the operational functionality of this website or users’ devices, arising from causes beyond THE COMPANY’s control. Nor is THE COMPANY responsible for delays or blocks in usage caused by deficiencies or overloading of the internet or other systems, or for the inability to provide the service or grant access for reasons not attributable to THE COMPANY, such as those caused by the user, third parties, or force majeure.


The website uses industry-standard information security techniques such as firewalls, access control procedures, secure communications, and cryptographic mechanisms, among others, to prevent and mitigate security incidents affecting data (confidentiality, integrity, availability). To achieve these purposes, users agree that the provider may obtain data for authentication purposes and for service provision.

Online security is also established through the configuration parameters of different web browsers, which are strongly recommended for consultation.


The applicable law to these conditions is Spanish law. For disputes arising from these conditions, the parties expressly submit to the courts of the domicile indicated in the IDENTIFICATION DATA, waiving any other jurisdiction.


These Terms of Use may be revised periodically to update changes in applicable legislation, procedures for collecting and using information, the emergence of new services, or the exclusion of others. These changes will be effective upon publication on the website. It is essential to review these Terms of Use regularly to stay informed about updates.